Civil Division

The Mahoning County Prosecutor is the statutory legal counsel to all of the following:

  • All County elected officials (including all judges, the Commissioners, the Recorder, the Auditor, the Treasurer, the Engineer, the Sheriff, the Coroner, and the Clerk of Courts);
  • All County offices (including, but not limited to, Solid Waste, Soil and Water, the Tax Map Office, the Building Department, the Planning Department, Mahoning County Department of Jobs and Family Services, and Mahoning County Child Enforcement Agency);
  • All County boards and commissions (including, but not limited to, the District Board of Health, the Board of Elections, the Budget Commission, the Children’s Services Board, the Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disabilities and the Mental Health & Recovery Board);
  • The Mahoning County Law Library; and
  • Fourteen townships in Mahoning County, including those townships’ officers, boards, commissions and police departments.

The Civil Division prosecutors review all county contracts, draft documents such as agreements, leases, deeds, easements, legal opinions and memoranda.  The Prosecutor and their Civil Division are also often called upon to defend elected officials when named in civil lawsuits and file lawsuits when the County has a cause of action against another person or entity.  The variety of problems, tasks, issues, and questions that arise for the Civil Division to address keeps the large workload of the Civil Division challenging yet always interesting.

Delinquent Tax Division

The Delinquent Tax Division of the Prosecutor’s Office assists the Mahoning County Treasurer in the collection of delinquent real property taxes. In the event that a foreclosure proceeding is initiated in the Common Pleas Court, the Prosecutor’s Office represents the Mahoning County Treasurer. The Division also provides legal counsel to the County Treasurer, County Auditor, and the Sheriff’s Office regarding any issues relating to judicial sales or delinquent real property taxes. The Division also represents the Treasurer in third party foreclosure actions, probate land sales and bankruptcy cases involving property owners with delinquent taxes.

Civil Division Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys

Kathi McNabb Welsh, Chief
Dionne Almasy
Angela Bury
Edward Czpour
Donald Duda
Karen Gaglione
John Heino
Jacqueline Johnston
Thomas Michaels
Jeffrey Murphy
Elizabeth Phillips
Dawn Durkin
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